
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Stuff You MUST Buy That You Don't Need Before You Go On Vacation

The countdown is on.  In only 10 days my niece and I will be leaving on our trip to New York and Boston.  What is it about trips that forces you to spend money unnecessarily on things you really don't even need but perceive that you need?

Let me give you an example.  I went to Target yesterday for toothpaste.  If you have been reading this blog for any amount of time or have read my other blog Unemployment 101 you already know that it is impossible for me to get out of Target for less than $150.  You might be surprised to know that my trip to Target for toothpaste yesterday only cost $124.  Sadly though, it all fit in one bag and it wasn't even one of those big gigantic ones that they put toys in.  I decided that I had to have a new magnifying mirror for the trip, new tweezers, more sample size shampoo and conditioner... Then once you get into all those sample sized items you can't stop.  Believe me, I've tried.  It's like going into a black hole.  You can't get back out unless you fill up a shopping cart with 2 oz. products.

Then last night I was checking email once more before I went to bed....  After all, you never know when someone might decide that they simply must know what a River Cruise down the Danube at Christmas time might cost and you certainly don't want anyone to have to wait on that information! For the record nobody asked last night, but if you're curious, send me an email.... :-)  Anyway, as I was checking email I came across an email from my friends at REI.  Unfortunately, they weren't contacting me to ask about Danube River Cruises on Avalon at Christmas time either, but again, if this sounds interesting to you.....  call me!

They are having a sale for members.  25% off any one REI brand item.  Now, I know this doesn't sound like much of a sale.  But REI practically never runs sales except at the end of a season.  So, I decided to look through all the REI brand stuff.  I literally looked through 1,000 items and found a travel umbrella for $24 that I felt absolutely MUST be attached to my backpack when I head to NY and a travel document holder.  Now, this isn't just any travel document holder.  It protects the microchips on credit cards and passports so that no one can steel your identity or swipe your credit card as you pass by them.  And HELLOOOOO  it was only $15!!!!!

So here's the next problem I ran into when I went to checkout.  If you buy $50 worth of stuff, shipping is free.  Otherwise, it's $8.99 and up.  That's more than you save with your promo code.  Hey REI, I wasn't born yesterday!  When I worked at the former employer who shall not be named I learned that those flat rate shipping fees are revenue producing miracles for retailers.  It costs them a couple of bucks to ship your package and the rest is clear profit for them.  So, for a few minutes I actually was suckered in to shopping around to see if there was anything else on the website that I just had to have.  I found a water bottle cage for my bike which I really have been wanting.  But I still wasn't up to the $50 mark so I emptied my cart and decided I'll make a trip over to REI today.  Folks, it's at Park and Preston in Plano, I could literally ride my bike over there if I wasn't so lazy and then I wouldn't even be spending gas money to get there.  So, yes I was nearly suckered in by REI to buy something on their website last night that I DO NOT need for the trip.  But I resisted.

I have multiple umbrellas and don't need another, I'll just attach one of those to my backpack with a clip.  That is what made the REI umbrella so special, it came with a clip.  Well guess what, I already have two clips hanging on my backpack one of which is just waiting for me to attach one of the umbrellas already in my possession.  I will go see if they have those travel document holders in the store today.  If they don't I'm sure I'll find something else that I feel I can't possibly travel to NY without.  But I probably won't spend $50.... right????!?!?!?!!!?!

Have a great Wednesday.  Watch out for smart camels asking you what day it is.

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