
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Very Disappointing Travel Blog

This blog, my Facebook page, my Twitter page and my Linked In page are all about travel.  It's what I do and it's what I concentrate on Monday through Friday and many times on Saturday and Sunday too.  I try to keep my personal opinions out of it except for the occasional recommendation on places to visit and things to do while you are there.  And then somebody comes along and tries to ruin things and I have to express an opinion that I really don't want to express on my blog.  But this is my forum.  So here it goes.  I apologize in advance.

Dear Politicians,
Stop trying to save us from ourselves and just do the jobs you were elected to do in an orderly manner.  I'm not going to get into my party affiliation here because I don't think it is appropriate to do so.  I don't want any political arguments on my travel blog.  I just want politicians and everyone else for that matter to go do their job and leave me to do mine as I see fit.

Senator Wendy Davis (D), we all understand that you are passionate about your views and I am sure that you believe you know what's best for all of us common folks who obviously aren't gifted and pretty enough to be you.  But here's a clue for you.  DO NOT CALL MY HOUSE BEFORE 8:00 A.M. WITH A PRE-RECORDED PLEA to join you for a live town hall where you will undoubtedly try to make Texans understand that your way is the only way.  When my phone rings before 8 A.M.  I assume something horrible has happened and it can be upsetting.

I was able to ignore you Senator Davis (D) while you were just hanging out in Austin doing your part to keep it weird but now you've gone and made it personal.  I sincerely don't care whether you lean right or left or just totally go off in either of those ditches.  What I do care about is that you called and woke me up this morning and I will not stand for it.  The time between 9:00 P.M. and 8:00 A.M. is mine.  Don't EVER call me during that time again in a lame attempt to manipulate me into your way of thinking.  Waking me before my alarm goes off is not how you win my favor.  Basically, what you have done is akin to what the Japanese did on December 7, 1941 Senator Davis (D).  You have "awoke a sleeping giant".  And this giant is now officially pissed.

By the way, if you were my Senator and my district voted you into that position that you hold, maybe I could take this out on the morons in my district who voted for you and I wouldn't have to use this format to get my point across.  But you are NOT my Senator.  Ken Paxton (R) is my state Senator.  I would just like to go on record now saying that Senator Paxton (R) has NEVER called and woke me up from a sound sleep before my alarm went off.  So, guess who I'll be voting for (again) in the next election.....

I only have one more point to get across before I begin my campaign against Senator Davis (D), who (did I mention this?) is not even my Senator.  Here it is. Texas elected those people in Austin to do exactly what is being done.  If your party loses a vote because the majority did not agree with you that means that the Texans who cared enough to vote probably agree with how things went.  We may not always be able to effect national elections the way we would like because there are too many people in Illinois, Ohio, New York and California who think differently from Texans.  But here in our little corner of the world, things are being done the way the majority of the voters see fit.

So Senator Davis (D) - Don't Mess With Texas and don't wake me up before 8:00 A.M.

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