
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Heading to NY and Boston

Maybe I froze a few mosquitoes out yesterday with my positive thoughts of Antarctica or perhaps they are just otherwise occupied.  But I have no new mosquito bites in the last 24 hours.  So I'm going to call yesterday's blog a victory.

Today let's talk about the trip I'll be taking with my niece later this month.  I know that I have touched on this.  But it is only 16 days away and since the day I booked the air and hotels and purchased the baseball tickets I haven't even thought about it again.  I have lots of planning to do.

The whole point of going to Boston and New York is that she loves baseball and wants to go to some baseball games.  I got us tickets in the upper level of Yankee Stadium on Saturday the 27th.  They aren't great seats but it will be inside the ballpark and I suppose that is all that matters.  The Yankees will be playing the Rays.  It has a 1:05 start time.  So obviously, we'll take the subway out to the Bronx and then back.

I really wanted to buy play tickets on the day of the play so that I could get them cheaper.  The problem is that I don't think we are going to have a free afternoon so that we can stand around Times Square waiting in line for play tickets.  On Sunday we are on a tour all day long.  Monday we leave for Boston.  So I just went ahead and bought tickets on NYTix this morning.  We're going to see Kinky Boots at 8:00 on Saturday night.  Again, not great seats but inside the venue.  So, Saturday will be a very busy day.

So, we'll arrive on Friday a little before noon.  But we are flying into Newark.  I've flown into every airport in the NYC area at some point in the past except this one.  I understand that it'll take us an hour or so to get from the airport to Times Square where we are staying.  So, I'm still trying to decide on transportation into the city.  I have nothing planned for the balance of that day.  I would imagine that once we drop our bags off at the hotel, we'll be walking around Times Square and maybe up to Central Park stopping at various locations along the way.  The only thing left to figure out for that day is where we will be having dinner that night.  I have a feeling that someone in our travel party is going to want to go by the Sienfeld diner and I've already looked at the menu to confirm that it will fit comfortably in our price range.

Saturday is totally planned except for where we will be having dinner.  Sunday is sort of completely planned since I booked us on an all day tour.  Here's my thinking on this tour thing.  I've been to NY a number of times.  I've seen everything I want to see.  It's going to be 180 degrees and humid in NY in late July.  The bus will be air conditioned and I'll be able to read while Rebecca sees NY.  This tour also takes you on a 1 hour harbor cruise past the Statue of Liberty, it includes lunch in Little Italy and includes admission to the Top of the Rock which I am hoping will mean that I don't have to stand in that horrible line again to get to the top of the Empire State Building.  I mean surely the Top of the Rock is just as good as the ESB, right?

Monday we'll be taking Amtrak to Boston.  We leave Penn Station at 8:30 a.m.   We'll be in Boston at 12:36.  In Boston our hotel is in the Back Bay area.  Now, I'm kind of excited about this part of the trip except that it will be 170 degrees and humid in Boston. (But hey! It's a 10 degree improvement from Manhattan!)  I've never been to Boston before.  The only problem is that we only have 2 days there and part of one of those days will be spent at Fenway.  Of course, a ballgame at Fenway will be great.  But there is also so much to see in and around Boston and I feel like we aren't going to have much time for it.  Our baseball game isn't until Tuesday night.  So we will have all afternoon on Monday to explore.  I already have a Boston book and am starting to look for what we absolutely can't miss during our visit.

We'll have most of the day on Tuesday to sightsee.  Then we'll have to get to the game in time for a 7:10 first pitch vs. the Mariners.  For this game we'll be sitting in the center field bleachers.  So, I'm thinking we will get a real feel for a Red Sox game.  Maybe more real than we want.....  We leave on Wednesday on a 2:36 p.m. flight which means we'll have to be at the airport a little after noon.  This entire trip is going to be done with no checked luggage since the Amtrak tickets I bought don't allow any checked luggage.  I think that's going to be the most challenging part of the trip.

So, if you have any suggestions on places to eat in either NY or Boston, I'm open to hear them.  Also, if you have thoughts on the most important things to see in Boston, let me know.  Have a great day!

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