
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Another Graduation Trip Planned

Planning has taken place and almost the only the thing left to do now is to start the traveling.  My only niece, Rebecca presented me with a complete change in plans last week.  I thought we would be going on a cruise during the fall.  But it turns out she will be in school in the fall and she didn't want to go on a cruise anyway.  In fact she doesn't even want to spend her vacation near a beach.  I'm not sure where she came from or how we can possibly be related.  But there you have it.

So instead of a November cruise out of Houston on Princess, we'll be leaving later this month and heading to.... are you ready for this?  New York and Boston!  For several years, I have had a policy against going to the Northeast in the middle of the summer.  There are only five people alive who could talk me into it.  They all have a last name in common.  The main plan of the trip is to go to a Yankees game and a Red Sox game. So, the trip is booked and paid for.  The baseball tickets have been purchased.  We'll be seeing the Yankees take on the Mariners and the Red Sox take on the Rays.  We haven't decided on a play yet.  I really want to see Kinky Boots but the tickets for that are super expensive.  So, unless we can get discount tickets somehow, I don't see that happening.  Maybe we can get some discount tickets the day that we plan to go to the play.

I've been to NY more times than I have kept up with.  So, I booked us on one of those all day Grayline tours.  I'm thinking I might be able to get some reading done during that.  It includes a boat ride past the Statue of Liberty and a trip up to the Top of the Rock.  I'm thinking that if we do that it might mean we can skip going to the top of the Empire State Building.  It's not that I have anything against the ESB.  I just don't ever want to have to pay all that money to have to stand in line for hours again.  The major difference between this trip to NYC and all the others I've been on is that after 3 nights, we'll be leaving on Amtrak from Penn Station and heading to Boston.

I've never been to Boston.  I'm sort of looking forward to it.  The only thing is that we only have two nights there and we will be at Fenway Park one of those nights.  So, I don't think we'll get to see too much.  Maybe Boston is a city that doesn't require much time.  But I sort of doubt that.  The good thing is that our hotel seems to be located very well.  In fact both of our hotels are located in good areas.  In NYC we'll be staying at The Manhattan at Times Square.  It seems like a nice hotel.  In Boston we're staying at The Midtown.  I'm going to have to do some research before I decide what we'll do in Boston.  So, other than the Red Sox tickets I haven't planned anything for that leg of the trip yet.  I'm sure that Rebecca will have thoughts on what we need to do too.

The train ride form NY to Boston should be fun too.  I rode on Amtrak a few times when I was a kid.  But somehow I think NY to Boston will be much more exciting than Houston to Temple.  Ya know?  The most challenging part of the trip is that we have to do it all with only carry-on luggage.  Our Amtrak trip doesn't allow checked luggage.  So, that means that there can be NO checked luggage for the entire trip.  I'm not sure how I'm going to get a teenage girl through New York and Boston with one rolling carry on and a backpack.  Wish me luck!

Well, I better shut this down for today.  Mom and Dad are heading into town this afternoon and we are going to the Rangers game this afternoon.  I'm so excited!  It's fedora night at the Ballpark!!!!  Woohoo!!!!  Have a good Tuesday.

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