
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Kitchen Update and Other Places I'd Like to Be

Good news and bad news....  First the good news:  I'm getting a lot closer to being finished with my kitchen. But the bad news is that it isn't finished yet.  Here's a photo update.  As you can see, all of the rolling is complete but I still have to finish the trim.  I ran out of paint around 4:30 or 5 yesterday afternoon and went to get more but I was meeting my friend Katherine who took me out for a birthday dinner.  So, I didn't come home and finish last night.  I hope to be finished by lunchtime today.  I'll still have to go back and paint the molding.  But all of the walls will be done.

With all of that said.... there are obviously still a lot of other places I'd rather be and I won't be able to truly concentrate on those places until I finish all of this.  So, as with the last two days.  I'll just show you photos of all the places I would rather be.  Have a great day and God Bless West, Texas.

Shiner is admiring my handywork.

Mile Marker 0 in Key West would be nice right now.

The Southernmost Point whether it's been painted or not is a good place to be.

Tibidabo would be outstanding.

Any area of Park Guell.

Ummm.... Yeah any area in the south of France would be okay with me.

I could enjoy a day in Vatican City right about now.  Maybe I could say a few prayers for my kitchen....

Yes!  I would like to be visiting the K. Spoetzl Brewery in Shiner.

Victoria, BC would be a welcome area to visit right now.

This would be a perfect day to walk through the Butchart Gardens.

High Tea at the Empress Hotel would be really pleasant right about now.

Why yes!  I would like to be snorkeling in the Keys today!

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