
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I'd Rather Be On The North Shore Than in My Kitchen

This is a photo of my kitchen from a few minutes ago.  It looks this neat and well organized right now, because I spent an hour after I stopped working on it yesterday putting things away, removing tarps that didn't need to be in place overnight and wiping down various areas that hadn't been 100% covered when I started spraying popcorn yesterday.  I don't want to go back in there today but I must.  Today, my project list consists of painting the ceiling which was patched yesterday, patching walls, taping around the baseboards and painting walls.  I don't know if I will complete all of this today.  It could go into a third day.  You see, before I can even get started, I have a networking lunch at 11:30 that I'll start getting ready for as soon as I finish this blog entry.  I have a full day ahead of me.  I don't mind a full day of pulling pricing quotes for someone's dream vacation, destination wedding or honeymoon.  (hint, hint... call me if you have any of these activities coming up....)  But a full day of manual labor has never been my cup of tea.  Ask anyone.

This is where I would rather spend today.....

That was a very cool day.  This photo was taken at Pipeline on Oahu.  Of course, it was in September so you don't see the giant waves that you see during the surfing championships during the winter.  But there were still a lot of surfers out that day.  I would like to be there right now just watching the surfers and paddle boarders.  It's a happy place.  Very little ceiling patching takes place on this beach.

Here's another place I'd like to be...

This is Laniakea Beach also on the north shore of Oahu.  It's a happy place.  None of the people you see standing on this beach are thinking about their kitchen ceilings.  In fact they are probably not thinking about their homes at all unless their thoughts are, this is sooooo much better than home....  I vividly remember thinking that while I was on the north shore of Oahu.

This is another place I wouldn't mind being....

Both of these photos were taken from the top of Diamond Head.  Yes, that's right.... I'd rather be standing on the top of a volcano right now than working on my kitchen.  The top one is looking back at Honolulu and Waikiki Beach.  The one below is the Diamond Head lighthouse.  Of course, I understand that Diamond Head is an extinct volcano.  But still, you get my point.  There are a lot of places I'd rather be right now than preparing to work in my kitchen for the second day of the week.  But I will work on it.  I have a lot to get done and my parents will be here on Friday so I'd like to have the entire mess cleaned up by then.  So, I hope you'll excuse me if I cut this entry short today.

Please keep those effected by the Boston Marathon bombings in your thoughts and prayers as you go about your day.  Have a good Tuesday!

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