
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Friday, April 5, 2013

A Trail Worth Taking

I've been digging up information on Scotland for the last few days.  You know it is a country worth researching when their maps mark their scotch distilleries.  The landmarks that they feel are worth pointing out are as follows:

  • Scotch Distilleries
  • Castles
  • Any lakes with monsters in them
Oh, and they also designate between the highlands and the lowlands.  I guess so that they will know where to divide the country in times of strife.  Like when they run out of scotch.  They also have cool trails.  In America, we have:

All boring trails and trails that require a lot of effort on your part if you want to "hike" them.  We even have one in Hawaii that I have walked on called Devastation Trail (now there's a happy go lucky trail name if ever there was one.... ).  But in Scotland, they have The Whiskey Trail.  That's a trail worth taking!  Those people know how to hike.  Incidentally, the trail does not follow a straight line but I'm pretty sure it passes by that lake with the monster in it and no doubt stops at several distilleries along the way.  Now honestly given the choice would you rather take Devastation Trail or Whiskey Trail?  Does anybody even need to think about that?

That's probably how they suck their people into exercise.  Have you ever seen a fat Scot in one of those kilts?  I mean there are a lot of red noses in Scotland but very few of them are on the faces of fat guys in kilts.  I'm sure it's because they get so much exercise going to get their whiskey.

Here's something else.  If your country is the place where a queen comes for vacation.  It might be a fairly nice place.  I mean lets face it, the woman can pretty much go wherever she wants.  But she chooses to go to Balmoral every chance she gets.

I'd like to give you a little more information on Scotland.  But I have too much work to do today.  I'll probably give you more details next week on what I have discovered.  Until then have a good weekend.

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