
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I'd Rather Be Planning A Trip

Just one hour and seven minutes before I have to be at the vet's office with my two cats for shots.  I hate taking the cats to the vet.  I always feel like by putting them in the carriers and taking them to the mean man with the needles I'm betraying them.  They look at me like it was a betrayal too.  I don't think it's fair the way they look at me as though I am the one who was supposed to save them from horrible experiences like a trip to the vet's office.  After all, I'm doing it for their own good.  But I have put it off for as long as I could. The shots were due in April.  It is now August.  I couldn't have drug my feet any longer.

The only thing that lit a fire under me this week is that I am supposed to pick Lily up on Sunday and then in the next few weeks I'll have to take her in for her first shots and to get spayed.  If I took her in and the vet noticed that he hadn't seen Jingle or Shiner in more than a year, he would have questioned me.  So, this is going to be another reason for Jingle to resent his new little sister.  Hopefully, he won't put two and two together.  After all, he's a cat.  He's a smart cat.  But I don't think he does math.  At least not in his head....

When I have to do things like this that I hate doing, I think of so many other things I'd rather be doing.  Like for instance, I'd rather be getting ready to head to the beach right now than getting ready to head to the vet's office.  In fact, I'd rather be getting ready to drive to El Paso and back in August with no air conditioning than be getting ready to go to the vet's office.  There are countless other things I'd rather be doing... Pretty much anything would qualify.  I mean who wouldn't want to be getting ready for vacation?  Right?

I could list all the things I would rather be doing but I don't have much time for writing today.  After all, I'm doing the vet thing this morning.  This afternoon, I'll be running queries on a couple of trips for clients.  Then after that, I have my fantasy football draft today.  It's a big hump day at Places You'll Go.  So, I better get busy.  Have a good day and if you need help getting over your hump today email me.  Maybe we can plan a trip for you to look forward to.

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