
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Friday, August 9, 2013

Advice From a Marriage Expert (NOT!)

Are you in a vacation rut?  Do you go to the same place year after year?  Maybe you own a time share and it's just easier to go there for two weeks every year than to exchange your two weeks for a different location or you're just afraid that you won't like any other place as much.  You might be like me; you have discovered how easy and inexpensive cruising out of Galveston during the fall, winter and spring is so you just keep doing it once or twice a year even though you end up in the same places time after time.

If you are like me, you probably don't even consider it a rut.  I mean how could a vacation possibly be a rut? Right?  It's a vacation and you are getting away from your day to day life whatever that consists of.  Whether you work outside of the home in whatever capacity, you are a stay at home mom with small children, or a retiree.  Sometimes you just have to get away and you really don't care where you go to get that change of scenery as long as it's not at home and you aren't cooking and cleaning.

But if you've fallen into a vacation rut there are things you can do about it.  Maybe you love going to that time share in Mexico for two weeks every year and you don't want to stop but you also want to see what else is available.  If that's the case, maybe you should check out some of the last minute weekend deals in another part of the Caribbean.  Maybe you are looking to see a little bit of the the good ol' USA.  You can get to Colorado or into the mountains of New Mexico easily for a long weekend from north Texas. Just think about how much cooler it is in the mountains right now.

Another issue that a lot of people face is the out of state relatives.  If you have close family out of state, you probably spend a lot of vacations traveling to see them and just do your family duty.  If you're a woman there is no way you can consider this vacation.  Seriously, I know what these vacations can be like.  First of all you probably travel in a mini van for 10 to 15 hours each way with 2 to 3 arguing kids in the back.  If they aren't arguing, how many more times can you possibly listen to that stupid Pixar movie that keeps playing over and over again in the backseat?

Once you finally arrive, you're with family, so you have to make nice and help out in the kitchen each time a meal is cooked, you are probably chasing your kids around the house trying to make sure they don't break anything and threatening them within an inch of their lives.  You're making your family's beds and picking up after them so that your host isn't horrified that you might never leave.  Fellows if this is your idea of a vacation, maybe it explains some of the nagging you get all year long.  I'm just sayin'.....

I'm thinking that your life might be a little nicer if you and the wife got away from ALL of the family for just a short period of time.  Sure the investment might be more than a dozen roses costs you.  But the pay off is slightly better too.  A lot of my married friends now try to take big anniversary trips to celebrate the significant ones, you know... 10, 20, 25 and so on.  But guys, if you are only letting your wife know how much you appreciate her every 10 to 15 years... Yikes!  I'm not trying to pressure anybody into anything and I am not doing this simply because I could make a few bucks by planning your trip for you.  I was recommending anniversary trips to my guy friends long before I ever became a travel agent.  You want to see your friends happy.  You want their marriages to last.  You get tired of listening to their wives bitch....

So men, if you think it's time you took your wife somewhere special even if it's just for a long weekend, I have some ideas.  And ladies, if you think it is time your husband let you know how much he appreciates you... it's not entirely unethical to print a copy of a blog out and leave it lying around haphazardly, like say in his golf bag or propped against his bike rack.  You never know it could result in that second honeymoon you've been dreaming about for years.

I could go on all day about the benefits of taking your wife away and leaving the kids with family for several days.  After all, I talk to your wives all the time and you should hear some of the things they say!  But I'll just make one suggestion.  Look at her Pinterest account.  Is she pinning lots of photos of full laundry baskets, screaming kids with peanut butter covered shirts, sinks full of dirty dishes?  Or is she pinning pictures of hammocks on exotic beaches, sunsets over beautiful bodies of water and luscious landscapes?  Now you be the judge.

If anybody needs help printing this and ideas for placement, please give me a call at 469-828-0254.

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