
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Monday, December 31, 2012

It's All New!

I put a survey together yesterday and am already starting to get feedback on it.  I can't wait to see what all of you have to say.  I hope it will help me to figure out how I can be of service to you and others. At the very least I hope it will help me to figure out if you need someone like me.  The link is posted on the Places You Will Go Facebook page as well as the Linked In page and Twitter.  Please respond if you get a chance.

Yesterday was a pretty eventful day.  I re-ordered business cards.  The exciting thing is that I ordered them totally different this time.  This time they have my original art on them.  The front is a photo I took in Hawaii and the back is the logo I created a few months ago for Places You'll Go Travel.  This is what you will see with the new business cards....

The photo was taken at sunset during a luau.  It is the wallpaper on my desktop at home.  It relaxes me.  There are really few things that relax me more than a sunset with a sailboat between me and the sun.  You see that during every sunset at Mallory Square in Key West and at every sunset that I saw on the Hawaiian Islands.  I would assume that you see that at anyplace worth seeing a sunset.  What I am interested in finding out is whether or not it feels just as good (or even better) to see the sunset from the sailboat.  Do you suppose it's better when you are actually on the boat????  I can't believe that it is any better.  But I have no point of reference.  I only know that I like a sunset when there is a sailboat in front of the sun.

I always imagine what is happening on the sailboat.  I usually imagine that a marriage proposal is taking place.  I mean, look at that sunset!!!!  If a marriage proposal isn't taking place on that boat, some guy is totally missing the perfect opportunity.  If I was the girl on that boat, I'd say yes to any man smart enough to propose during such a sunset.  One of my favorite things about this photo is the colors reflected on the water.  I wonder what they looked like from the boat as the proposal was taking place.  I bet it was spectacular!  I hope that she was smart enough to look at that and treasure it so that she could describe it to their grandchildren in years to come.

The other thing I ordered along with my business cards was a couple of polo's with my logo on them.  I am really anxious to get them.  I'll be going on a cruise in January and I figure that they will look good with shorts and just think of the great audience I'll be able to advertise to on a cruise ship.  I mean clearly, these people enjoy travel.  And that logo just screams at cruisers, right?  Plus the cruise originates from Texas so surely there will be a lot of people from here who I will be able to work with if only they see my quirky little logo on  my shirt.  I was also going to order magnets today.  But as it turns out, magnets are really expensive!  Who knew???!?!?!

Luggage tags were another option but you can only put an image on one side of them and that all has to be about identifying the traveler.  I would like to have put my logo on one side and then given them room on the other side for their identification.  Why wouldn't have considered that?  I wonder if they are really getting a lot of business from people who want to create one sided luggage tags that they have their info printed on instead of writing their info on a card and inserting it?  I doubt it.  I know before I needed to get my name on things I never even knew that Zazzle existed.  So how much business could they really be getting from people in the private sector?  Okay, maybe I wasn't the norm.... but still, I'm not stupid and I had never heard of Zazzle prior to October.

I hope you all have a very Happy New Year!  I will be posting much more in 2013 than I ever did in 2012, but don't expect to hear from me again until the 2nd of January!  I'll be celebrating the new year and recovering until then.  :-)  Happy New Year!!!!!

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