
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Friday, September 6, 2013

Wrapping Up the Mind Trip to Maui

Happy Friday!  This is going to have to be short and sweet today.  I'm super busy!  Thanks to all of you who are sending business my way.  I love being busy planning dream vacations and honeymoons for people.  It's the best!

Yesterday we were in the middle of a mind vacation to Maui.  The problem we were facing was that the deal I found was only a 5 night deal but the price was terrific at $1,723 per person for flights, hotel, $200 in hotel credit, daily breakfast, economy rental car and travel protection (You know, in case you fall down while your hiking at Haleakala and break a leg and have to be airlifted off the crater. I'm not saying that is going to happen to you. But I know my luck so I always get travel protection.) We only have one night and two days left on this mind trip.  Our flight home doesn't leave Maui until 10:30 PM, so although we will be checking out of the hotel tomorrow at noon, we'll load the luggage up in the rental car and spend the day doing last minute sight seeing and shopping for any gifts we need for pet sitters... or whoever.

So today we are snorkeling and after checking out all the options we have chosen to head to Honolua Bay. If you check out the reviews on Trip Advisor, you'll see that there are very strict rules about sunscreen and touching the sea turtles.  Apparently, you are not allowed to wear sunscreen there since it damages the coral and touching the sea turtles is strictly off limits with large fines if you do.  Since sunscreen isn't allowed, it is best to visit early in the day.  Also, depending on the surf, you may not be able to snorkel.  Some days it is a great surf location and other days it is a great snorkel location.  So you'll have to judge for yourself while you are visiting.  You have to hike through a rain forest to get to the bay.  But after the hike, this is the reward...

Based on what we've learned from Trip Advisor, we've worn water shoes since the rocks extend about 5 feet out into the water and they are slick.  The snorkeling is better on the right side of the bay so that's where we'll stay.  Most people say that the water's a little murky here, but that's just sort of the way it is in Hawaii.  If you are accustomed to snorkeling in the Caribbean, beware that the visibility here just isn't as good.

If you want to swim with sea turtles this is definitely the place to be (as long as you don't touch them).  Since we can't wear sunscreen, we won't stay long. With that said, we obviously won't get to see the sunset here like the photo below.  But the photo was so pretty that I had to post it anyway.  Upon leaving Honolua Bay we'll head up the coast further to the Nakalele Blowhole.

Getting down to the blowhole requires another short hike, but this one apparently isn't too tough.  You just have to watch yourself on the rocks.  You can walk all the way down to the blowhole but there are warning signs to stay on dry rocks and not get too close to the blowhole since it can suck you in and kill you!  Now, usually, I only post photos of amazing places to see and beautiful or at least interesting scenery.  But as I was scrolling through looking for photos to post, I came across one in which a man is too close to the blowhole.  He was sucked in and killed as this photo was being taken.  I'm posting this because when you are on vacation, you HAVE to pay attention to warnings and be careful!

You are responsible for watching out for yourself in a place like this.  I can't tell you how many times I've heard people discussing whether or not it was safe to visit a location because crime might be high in the area.  You just have to be careful wherever you decide to go.  Be aware of your surroundings and possible dangers.  Sometimes the dangers come from other people who may wish to harm you and other times, there's a big warning sign that says "Stay clear of the Blowhole.  You can be sucked in and KILLED."  Personally, I think I'd pay attention to the "sucked in and killed" portion of the warning.  While it's sad that the person died, I just can't help but think that when there are warning signs and you ignore them and die as a result, perhaps it's an example of survival of the fittest.

Since we couldn't watch the sunset at Honolua, we'll just have to do it here at Nakalele.  Tomorrow we'll be heading back to Texas.  I hope you have all enjoyed this short mind trip to Maui.  If you want it to be reality you know who to call!  Have a great weekend!

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