
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Beach Needed FAST!

Go ahead, say it.  I've been lax to say the least in my postings lately.  I just looked and realized that I haven't posted once all month.  Here's the deal, I'm tired.  As a result I'm going to bed earlier which is good, but I still can't wake up in the morning which is bad.  Then in the middle of trying to figure out sleeping patterns, I got new carpet and tile upstairs immediately followed by having a lot of company in town for Jimmy Buffett, a toilet leaking upstairs on the new tile and making it's way all the way to the new carpet and then finally yesterday my kitchen sink developed the most bizarre problem yet.  I have almost no water pressure through the faucet, just a trickle literally just barely more than a drip.  But if I hold the hand sprayer and run the water, it works just fine.  What the hell?  So I had a plumber scheduled to come out tomorrow and work on this bizarre plumbing problem when it dawned on me a few minutes ago that the problem was in my faucet.  So, I went to the kitchen unscrewed the cover on the end of the faucet and it had this big piece us black gunk sticking out of it.  I cleaned that out and the faucet is fixed!  Now in my exhausted stupor it took a full day for this to dawn on me.  I think this tells us one thing.  I need a vacation more than most of my clients do!

I seriously have to get to a beach and fast.  It could get ugly if I have to continue to go through bad weather for much longer.  It's supposed to cool off and start raining again this week.  I just can't take it.  It is freaking May in Texas we should be gearing up to complain all summer long about how hot it is!  You can't complain about how hot it is when it struggles to get to 80 degrees!  I should have been out at the pool weeks ago enjoying floating around in the pool while the neighbors all talked about one another and the crazy guy forced his poor kid who is terrified of the water to swim by throwing him in as the kid screams bloody terror.  (This has been going on for two years.  One of these days the kid will be bigger than the dad and he will hold his dad's head under the water until he turns blue and that will be the beginning of his serial killing career but that is another story for another blog... or perhaps a book...... hmmmmmm......)

My point is, like a Southwest Airlines commercial, I wanna get away.  I just need a beach for a weekend.  Galveston would do.  But I think it would be fun to go to Alabama.  I could leave on Friday morning and be there in time for a late dinner at LuLu's if I drove hard.  Then leave early Monday morning to come back and only miss two days of work.  Plus I'd be at a beach I've never been to before.  I hear they have some pretty white sand beaches there.  I've been following LuLu's on Facebook for a few years.  It is owned by Jimmy Buffett's sister.  So, you know, it's a Parrothead hangout.  Plus anyplace that features a countdown to the next sunset on their website is the kind of place I need to be.  Plus they have at least one really hot bartender.  I know this because they always post pictures of him on Facebook and all the women comment on him.  I may have posted one or two lewd comments about him myself in the past.

To top it all off, Memorial Day weekend, there will be a big party to celebrate the sinking of the LuLu a retired 271 foot cargo ship, which will become an artificial reef 17 miles off the coast of Orange Beach and is intended to help put Alabama on the scuba map eventually.  First the ship will be towed over to the Homeport Marina where LuLu's is located for a christening party on Thursday the 24th.  Then on Friday, it will be towed out to the location for the sinking which will take place on Saturday the 26th.  But here's how you know that these people know how to party.  They are expecting a flotilla of hundreds of boats at the sinking sight to watch the sinking.  One of the boats will contain The Wet Willie Band who will play during the event.  Then everyone will go back to LuLu's where the band will continue.  Of course all of this is weather permitting.  But I'm thinking it takes a lot to keep those crazy Alabamans off their boats.

I think this is just the sort of weekend I need!  Who wouldn't feel better after dancing around on a boat full of crazy people to live music as an old cargo ship is sunk in order to create a perfect diving location?  I know I would!  Who's with me?  Come on Texans, unite!  Let's all protest this goofy weather and head to Alabama for Memorial Day to celebrate with the craziest people in the US!  If you bring a boat I can ride on, I'll buy you a few beers during the weekend.

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