
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Monday, April 29, 2013


I'm working at a charity golf tournament today.  I get to sit at a par 3 and watch to see if anybody hits a hole in one.  As I was telling a friend yesterday, this has got to be the best job at a golf tournament other than beverage cart girl.  Nobody is EVER unhappy when they see a beverage cart girl drive up.  But if somebody hits a hole in one today, I am likely to be their new favorite person.  Seriously, maybe it'll be a rich guy who doesn't need a new car and he'll just give it to me.  Better yet, maybe it'll be a rich guy looking for a wife and....

I need to put together some golf packages to see if I can sell them.  I know a lot of people who love to play golf and like to play different course.  My parents have gone on one of those golf vacations before where you hit every golf course you can find between places like Georgia and South Carolina.  Apparently if you are into golf, you like those states.  I'm sure they are fine.  I just happen to think that there's really no point in going to South Carolina if you aren't going to spend several days at a beach.  But that's just me.

I looked a few months ago for golf vacations in Ireland.  I had trouble finding anything through my suppliers that was already put together.  I guess I'd have to research it and put it together myself.  I have a brother who would really enjoy that and he and his wife will be celebrating their 25th anniversary this summer.  Something tells me it would be an easy sell.  I just don't know if I know enough about golf to get it right on my own.  The worst thing that could happen would be if I sent my brother and sister-in-law on a golf trip to Ireland and something got screwed up with their golf courses or something.  If you mess up something that your brother is doing, you never hear the end of it.

I watched a Globus webinar a few months ago in which they talked about a golf package in Ireland and Scotland.  But it sold out less than a week after they started taking reservations.  I guess that should tell you that people are interested.  You would think that would result in Globus doing more golf packages.  But not so far.  During that same Globus webinar they talked about a whiskey tour of Scotland.  I did a little research on a whiskey tour recently for a client.  I think that is definitely one where a tour guide would come in handy. Don't get me wrong, there is plenty of information available on line about Scotland's whiskey trail and there are lots of opinions out there on the best distilleries to stop at.  The problem is after drinking all of that whiskey you still need to get to your next stop.  It would suck to have clients call from Scotland drunk out of their gourds and unable to find a train station.  Then what do you do?

Well, I still have several things to do today before I make my way to the golf course.  So, I'll cut this one short.  Have a good Monday.

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