
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Monday, March 31, 2014

The Countdown is On

Well, this is the big day.  It's do or die time.  We've reached the day I must pack, get everything together for the pet sitter, tie up loose ends for my clients travel and finish cleaning the house before leaving for Ft. Lauderdale.  I'm just going to go ahead and fess up now.  I'm NOT ready.

I've been having issues for the last week with passwords.  Either I am not remembering them or the password goblins are going around behind my back and changing them.  I'm betting on the problem being with my memory.  So, I just attempted to check in with Spirit Airlines for my flight tomorrow and naturally, it isn't accepting what I thought my password was.  So, I did the Forgot Your Password? thing and waited for about 30 minutes for the email they were supposedly sending me to reset my password.  The good news is that I got my inbox cleaned out while I waited.  The bad news is that I still haven't gotten an email from Spirit Airlines.  So I did it again about 10 minutes ago and still nothing.  I hope this isn't an indication of what my week will be like.  Because I really can't deal with it.

I got a keyboard for the Nook over the weekend.  So, I'm pretty psyched about that.  You should expect to see a few blogs from me this week even though I'll be traveling if all goes according to plan.  This week for my first time ever, I'll be using Super Shuttle to go to the airport from my home.  I've used shared airport vans before at my destination.  But this will be a first for going to the airport.  Keep your fingers crossed for me.  They are supposed to arrive at my house sometime between 3:45 and 4:00 AM tomorrow.  Yes, you read that right.  I said AM... that's the one in the morning!  Ugh!  Normally, I am more likely to still be up reading from the day before at that time of night rather than being fully dressed and ready to face a day.

Good news!  The email from Spirit just came in... In fact, both of them did, with two separate reset codes. So naturally, I chose the wrong one to try first.  But after using the second one, I am now checked in for my flight tomorrow and it didn't cost me a penny to check in!  This is my first contact of any kind with Spirit that I wasn't charged for, so it's a pretty big moment for me.  On Friday when I checked my luggage, I joined their $9 club without realizing it cost $49 to join.  So, here's a recap....  If you check your luggage on line, your carryon is $20 and your first checked bag is $25.  But if you join their $9 club, they are both $9.  So, I'm no fool, I joined the $9 club.  I still haven't figured out where I missed the note that they automatically charge you $49 for joining.  But I wound up paying $36 ($9 each for 2 pieces of luggage coming and going) plus $49 for joining, so instead of paying $90 ($45 going to Florida and $45 coming back), I paid $85 and I'm a member of the Spirit $9 club for a year in which I probably won't fly Spirit again.  After all of that, I saved $5.  We're not even going to go into what they charge you to check luggage after you arrive at the airport.  Just bring a big bag of gold if you need to do that!

So, getting back to the early Super Shuttle arrival tomorrow morning, last night I stayed up until almost 3 AM hoping to exhaust myself today so that I'll be able to go to sleep early tonight.  Then I got up at 7:30 this morning.  I can already tell you that this tactic isn't going to work.  Anytime I start trying to outsmart myself on sleep, it back fires.  When I lay down tonight, my brain will go into overdrive and I'll probably get about 2 hours of sleep if I am lucky.  Then, I'll face tomorrow on 6 and a half hours of sleep in the last 48 hours.

One other factor that I failed to calculate into my plans for today is that it is opening day of the Rangers regular season.  Folks, I canNOT just go about my day pretending that it is a day like any other.  I have to stop down this afternoon and watch the game.  It's OPENING DAY!!!!!  So, the 15 things I have on my list to accomplish today will have to be done around the Rangers schedule.  I still have no clue what I am taking as far as clothing goes.

So as you can tell, this is probably going to be a VERY interesting week of blogs.  You're not going to want to miss the sleep deprived melt down that is practically guaranteed to happen by midweek.  Have a good Monday!

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