
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Monday, February 24, 2014

What's YOUR Dream Island?

I keep doing those dumb quizzes on Facebook and I keep getting angry with the results.  You know the ones I'm talking about where they ask you 20 random multiple choice questions and none of the multiple choice answers answer the question adequately so you just pick one. Then at the end of the quiz it announces to the entire Facebook world that your Disney personality is Cruella de Vil (which could not be further from the truth) or that you should move to freaking Tennessee because you aren't really a Texan based on the lame answers they listed.

So, after I was told by the last one that I'm not really a Texan I swore I'd stop doing those quizzes all together.  Then last night I saw one that a person who I used to work with had taken proclaiming that her "dream island" was St. Barts.  Now I thought to myself, this is a quiz with no downside (unless your dream island turns out to be somewhere in the Antarctic and what are the chances of that?)! So I took the quiz.

This quiz didn't ask stupid multiple choice questions like:

If you were a mammal other than human what would you be?
A. Squirrel
B. Lemur
C. Walrus
D. Impala
E. Wolf

For the record, my answer to this question would obviously be Walrus.  I mean seriously, who wouldn't answer it that way??!!!!?!?!?!  No sir, this quiz asked scientific questions related to the topic like,

Over your bathing suit at lunch, you wear....
A. A maxi dress and matching jewelry
B. Quick dry shorts and a sporty tank
C. A pretty sundress
D. A sarong or cover up

Well duh!  Of course the correct answer is D. I don't even want to vacation in the same hemisphere with someone who goes to the trouble of picking out matching jewelry for something that they would use to cover their swimsuit.  What kind of a sick-o does that?  And I don't understand what the point would be of putting on a pretty sundress if you aren't going to shower first and put make up on.  But here's the thing.  I'm guessing that if a man took this quiz, they all end up with the same dream island since there aren't a lot of guy answers to these questions.  In fact the questions themselves are really kind of girl questions.  It's a very sexist quiz if the truth be known.  Honestly a man doesn't wear anything over his bathing suit to lunch.  He just throws a tee shirt on, if that! If a man answers anything other than B to this question, I'm thinking your room is going to need two queen beds rather than the one king.  Know what I mean?

So this morning after giving this a little thought, I went back through all the questions and decided that there was really only one answer a man could give to most of these questions without totally losing his man card, so I re-took the quiz and gave the answers I thought a man would give and guess what.....  I got the same result that I did last night when I took the quiz as myself.  Apparently, my dream island whether I am a man or a woman is definitely Kauai!  I've never been to Kauai but I've written several blogs about it.  In fact, I get so many queries from clients who are interested in going to Kauai that I send the Kauai blog links to that they are among my most read blogs ever.  Now, I know that's not saying much.  But still, I thought it was interesting that the place I wrote about a mind trip to last year turned out to not only be my "dream island" but also would be my "dream island" even if I were a man.

My question now is, do all men get Kauai when they take this quiz?  There is really only one question that I think they could answer differently than I did without having their masculinity questioned.  I mean, we all have to agree that the answer to the following question if you are a man is a pretty easy one....

To show off your beach ready pedi at dinner, you where....
A. Sporty but cute sandals
B. A pair of stylish, open toed flats
C. This seasons hottest wedge sandals
D. Flip flops

If you are answering the way you think a man would and you answered anything other than D we really need to talk and you need a tune up on your gay-dar.  Coincidentally, I answered this question the same way both times that I took it.  After all, I'm very low maintenance on vacation.  So, maybe that's why I got the standard "man dream island".  Men are generally pretty low maintenance on vacation too.  Hence, they can pack for two weeks in Hawaii using a backpack, while a woman needs a full set of luggage and ends up spending more on airline luggage fees than she did on her airline ticket. Or maybe it was the beverage question that got me the "man" answer.

Your ideal vacation libation is....
A. A local brew
B. A fresh and frosty margarita
C. A flute of something bubbly
D. A crisp glass of white wine

Now, as a woman I could have chosen any of those answers depending on the circumstances.  But when I took the quiz, the image that popped into my mind on this question was of me laying on a hot and sandy beach and when I am hot and sweaty and have an option for a refreshing drink, I almost always want a Corona Light.  It's my "sun" drink of choice. However, if it's dinner time depending on the atmosphere and my mood, I might choose a glass of white wine or champagne. You never really know what I might order. I'm unpredictable that way.

All in all, I think this tells us two things:  One, a girl wrote this quiz.  And two, a LOT of men should be calling me to book trips to Kauai and when you do, maybe I'll see you there!  I'll be the girl in the flip flops sipping on a beer.

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