
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Friday, February 7, 2014

Not in Sochi

It's Friday!  If you could be heading anywhere else in the world today, where would it be?  I think about this a lot.  I think it would be so cool to be one of those people who just picks up the phone and says something like "Get me on a flight to Tahiti this afternoon....  I'll buy new clothes when I land."  Do those people even exist?  If they do, I want to be one of them in my next life.

Maybe you're thinking you'd like to be on a flight headed to Sochi right now.  I can honestly tell you that Sochi is the last place in the world I would like to be headed right now.  Have you seen the photos of the water????!?!  And apparently hotel guests are being told not to get it close to their FACE!!!  I personally don't want to know what is wrong with the water if you not only can't consume it, but you are told not to even come close to consuming it.  Somebody said it was being piped in from Chernobyl... Nice..... Radioactive water.....

I have a friend who every time I mention wanting to visit anyplace in the far East she starts talking about no toilets and just holes in the ground that are used for toilets.  I always have to clarify that I don't travel that way and when I consider visiting the far East, I imagine myself staying in places like this.... Hotel Intercontinental in Danang....  Yeah, check out that website. Now that's my kind of accommodations.

I could be wrong but I'm thinking this bathroom probably has running water....

I'm thinking I could probably tough it out in this Vietnam hotel room.  I mean realistically, where are they going to put a hole in the floor for one to use as a toilet in a place like this?  Right?

But I'm thinking that in Sochi side by side toilets are just barely a step up from holes in the floor.  Have you seen the photos of that?  Talk about awkward!!!  Yep, I'm thinking Vietnam is looking a LOT better than Russia.  Plus, the weather is way better!  If I want snow and ice I can stay in Dallas for crying out loud. I'm way more into what the weather is like in Vietnam. Now this is what I call vacation weather.  Take a look and then tell me you'd rather go to the Olympics.You'd have to be nuts!

Other places I'd rather be than Sochi consist of but are not limited to Hawaii, Key West, anywhere in Europe except Russia (even the really cold parts), anywhere in the Caribbean (because there are no cold parts), Australia, New Zealand, Brazil and in fact, anyplace in South America, anyplace in the US except Oklahoma (I have standards), and on any island in the South Pacific.  So, I'm not really all that picky about where I would go this weekend if I had the money to just pick up a phone and demand a flight.  But you know where I wouldn't go.

Have a terrific weekend.  Enjoy the opening ceremonies tonight!

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