
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

How About a Little Coffee?

I'm almost afraid to put this in writing for fear that things could be worse.  But could a day possibly start out worse than mine did today?  Now, I'm just going to go ahead and say this to keep the karma gods (or whoever is in charge of karma) happy, but by the time the day ends, I think it will actually turn out to be a great day.  But it sure didn't start that way.

Let me just tell you about what has gone on around here so far today.  First of all, ever since I got Mrs. Beasley (my adorable but mischievous little kitten) my days have begun with cats rolling around playing on my bed beginning around 5 a.m.  When one of the two older cats gets tired of her "play attacking" them, hissing ensues and then someone will peal out across my forehead while trying to get away from the other two cats.  That's generally when all hell breaks lose.  Usually right after that, things start to settle down and I am able to go back to sleep again.  However, since Sunday, I have been just giving up and getting out of bed between 5 and 6 a.m. each day.  This morning I decided, I was going to put my foot down.

They woke me up as usual around 5 and I went back to sleep each time they woke me.  Even when Mrs. Beasley ran across my face while being chased by Jingle, I still was able to go back to sleep once I determined that I wasn't bleeding very badly.  Since my cats have become so adept at getting me out of bed at such early times, I have stopped setting my alarm recently. So imagine my surprise when I woke up, turned and looked at the clock to discover that it was 10:31!!!!!

I immediately ran downstairs, fed cats, put on the coffee and fired up the computer.  I already knew that I had several pricing queries to run today on trips for multiple clients.  But more had come in late yesterday that I had not yet seen.  Additionally, I had an email from a friend this morning stating that she had given my number to another friend who would be contacting me regarding a trip.  Now, all of this is good news.  But since my day started 2 and a half hours later than normal, I was kind of panicked.

When my coffee was finally brewed, I went to the kitchen and poured myself a big oversized mug of the stuff bringing it back to my desk so that I could continue to answer emails and start those queries.  I don't like for my coffee to be too hot.  I generally pour my coffee and then let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes before I ever even attempt a sip.  The only problem with this normally is that it leaves a very short drinking window for me. From the time that it is at my prime drinking temperature until it is cold is only about another 15 minutes.  So then you have to drink fast.

Once I had my coffee sitting at my desk, I ran upstairs to get some house slippers since we got our first real cool snap of the year yesterday and it was in the 50's here this morning even when I got up!  I had finally gotten all settled in and was ready to start sipping my coffee at it's perfect temperature when Shiner and Mrs. Beasley began a particularly rousing game of "You Chase Me, Then I'll Chase You".  In her haste to get away from Shiner (because it was his turn to chase) Mrs. Beasley jumped up on my desk using it as a spring board to get to the 5th stair on my staircase, as is her custom and landed squarely in my oversized coffee cup that I hadn't yet taken a sip out of.  In little bit of a hurry to get out of the cup, she flipped it over on my keyboard, label maker, in my files which are just below my desk and all over me.  Fortunately, it wasn't hot coffee since, you know, I'm a light weight.  But it was a really big cup and coffee covered everything.

God bless Mrs. Beasley this morning she heard more curse words than in all of her short time on earth up to this point and they were all directed at her.  Shiner and Jingle both came to screeching halts on the floor to the right of my desk to watch coffee dripping from my hair and sloshing in my fuzzy house slippers as I rushed to the kitchen for paper towels.  Mrs Beasley though, ran around for a minute in an attempt to get more coffee on more surfaces until she sat down and begin to clean herself.  She still had a pretty good caffeine buzz going until just a few minutes ago from licking so much coffee off of her little body.

I dried out the keyboard, label maker, mouse, and threw away a couple of drenched post it pads all while chatting on the phone with my friends neighbor who, sure enough, called right in the middle of it all to arrange to meet with me tomorrow regarding her trip.  I think I might have even managed to sound fairly normal while I talked to her on the phone as I wiped coffee off of my reading glasses so that I could see to take notes.

When I finally looked up again a few minutes ago, it was 3:15 p.m. and I still hadn't eaten a bite all day, I never got any coffee this morning, I mean other than what I wore.  But I had a new client, another client who might be doing a group trip and my whole world smells like dried stale coffee.  I guess it's not all bad.

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