
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Monday, October 28, 2013

Hackers Are Evil and I Don't Like Them

Okay, who knew that one little hacker could turn a persons world so upside down????!?!?  I mean, really? It's been more than a week and I'm literally still not functioning at all travel agent wise.  Okay, sure....  I went to my nephews football game on Friday, I've had a group of friends over for soap making and I've even been able to process final payments for a couple of cruises.  But can anyone email me?  Ummm.... perhaps.... can I see it?  That's a big NO!

I've actually emailed a couple of tests to myself on my new email address and received both of them.  My dad emailed a test to me on Saturday.  I got it this morning.  In all honesty, I may have gotten it before this morning.  But I didn't get it immediately on Saturday and then when I got home from Nacogdoches Saturday afternoon, I was too busy to check again because I had to get ready for soap making.  Then Sunday, is when the depression set in. You see, before the Great Email Hacking of '13 began, I was working on a group trip to the Dominican Republic for a friend and a group of her friends and relatives, a Hawaii trip for another client, a cruise for yet another, a European trip for my sister-in-law, and several other things.  Now, I have lost all of their email addresses along with any correspondence we had shared regarding each of these trips, I still hadn't gotten alternate contact information on some of these clients.  So, how do you get back in touch with them????

I was optimistic this morning when I got into my new email and saw the test from my Dad.  But then, I tried to make my new email, the primary one on my new Outlook account and it said, it would send me an email that I would need to work through to set it up and that was an hour ago.  Still no email.  I can't function like this.  Email is my life blood.  I'm not a phone person.  I LIKE email.  It is such a great way to communicate. Think about it.  It's sort of instantaneous.... usually.  You have a record of all that was said by each party.  If you are busy, you can get back to it later.  You can refer back to it for years if necessary.  And it's usually pretty easy to get to, I mean, you can carry it around on your cell phone!!! Unless of course, you have been hacked.  Then your cell phone just sort of sneers at you with a giant 24 in bold blue script next to your email app indicating that there are 24 unread emails in your account that, by the way, you can't see because you've been hacked!  Stupid email....

One of the worst things is that my Yahoo account also controls my Fantasy Football so I couldn't get into it last week to make changes to my roster for week 8 of the NFL season.  People, I had 4 people on my roster with week 8 byes.  This is a catastrophe.  Granted, I was in last place in my league even when I was still able to make changes to my roster.... (Thanks a LOT RGIII and Roddy White!)  But I didn't need to have 4 starters on bye this week.  Now you understand my deep depression yesterday.

So, my new email address is if you are inclined to send me an email so that I will have your email address or even if you just want to say hi or give me a hard time about my fantasy football team....  Or if I was working on something for you and you want to insure that I continue to work on it since my old email that I can no longer get into contained all of our correspondence, all of the details of what you were looking for and all of your contact information. If I was already working on something for you, maybe you could re-send me the initial emails in which we discussed your trip along with your last email since I probably didn't get it.  That would be terrific.

If I used to work with you at The Former Employer Who Shall Not Be Named and you just want to stay in touch, you might send me an email too.  If we are in a dinner club together, if we are related and you would like for me to send you details for Christmas at my house, I'm probably going to need your email address as well.  If we watch reality TV together on a semi regular basis - I don't have your email address anymore.  Basically, if you read this and you ever want to hear from me again other than through an occasional blog, send me an email.  If you have booked at trip through me in the past or have one currently booked, I do have your email on record.  Otherwise, I have no way of contacting you.

The sad reality is that I have like 6 email addresses stuck in my brain.  All the rest were in my contact list in my old email that I can no longer access.  The email addresses that I know belong to the following persons:

Mom and Dad
Jan Callihan
Doris and Don Bailey
Jenny Stankus (work only)
Jon Lee - Don't ask...  I have no idea why I remember his....

I hope your day goes better than mine.  I'll be contacting all of my suppliers, if I can figure out how without their email addresses and giving them my new email address.  Ugh!

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