
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Thursday, May 16, 2013

I Bet This Isn't Happening in Roatan....

Okay, I have to admit.  At about 11 last night I wasn't enjoying north Texas weather at all.  This time of year in north Texas is always a little iffy.  Last night it was downright ugly.  It all started out just fine.

Around 9 PM, I was waiting for an email response from a client so we could get her trip booked and watching TV while I waited and got on Facebook to see what was going on since the show I was watching on the Food Network wasn't keeping my attention too well.  I had noticed that it was thundering a little outside.  But it didn't seem too extreme.  Then when I got on FB, I was informed by people in other parts of the country that they were praying for me.  I thought it was nice, but I had no idea why.  Finally, one person mentioned weather so I turned my TV to a local station, Fox 4 to be exact, and they were in full severe weather mode.  Almost immediately, the anchor turned it over to someone who was standing outside and reporting and that's when I started hearing tornado sirens, louder and more insistent than I have ever heard!  I herded my two cats into the downstairs bathroom, grabbed my cell phone and went in, leaving the TV on in the living room.

As the cats and I sat in the bathroom waiting for the bad weather to pass over, the TV continued to blare in the living room and the sirens continued to sound.  I opened up the weather app on my phone and it didn't look like any of the bad weather was in my immediate area based on that radar.  Then suddenly, I noticed that the TV report had gone back to the anchor and miraculously, the sirens had stopped.  That's when it dawned on me that the sirens were probably coming through the TV.  So, I opened the bathroom door, the cats and I went into the living room and sure enough everything was just fine at my house.

Around 10:30 we did get one severe thunderstorm but it just rained.  Around my house, everything seemed to have gone just fine.  So I was fortunate and I appreciate any prayers that were sent my way.  With all that said, as I sat in that bathroom last night waiting for the weather app to open and posting on FB the prevalent thought going through my mind was, I bet this isn't happening in Roatan.....  Anytime anything bad happens here, that is usually what goes through my head.

  • Cold weather?  - I bet this isn't happening in Roatan....
  • Tornados?  - I bet this isn't happening in Roatan....
  • Freakish Texas Earthquakes?  - I bet this isn't happening in Roatan....
  • 105 degree weather and serious drought conditions?  - I bet this isn't happening in Roatan....
  • A swarm of locusts?  - I bet this isn't happening in Roatan....
Okay, that last one is a little far fetched.... we haven't had a swarm of locusts in years.... right?  But still, if it happened here, I would be able to have the I bet this isn't happening in Roatan.... thought with no fear that I could be proven wrong.  My point is, as much as I love Texas and being a Texan, at times there are better places to be and Roatan might be at the top of my list.  So, if you are wishing today that you were in Roatan, give me a call.  I can make that happen for you.

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