
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Friday, March 28, 2014

It's a Business Trip... Really!

Once again, I have a trip planned for early next week and I haven't begun to think about what I might take much less started packing.  Why is this so difficult for me?  I really am looking forward to it, so procrastination shouldn't be a big problem.  But alas, I have done nothing.

Then to make matters worse this morning as I was pouring my first cup of coffee I thought that today was Thursday.  So, I was sort of planning out my day in my head and I thought to myself, that this afternoon I would run a few errands hitting the pet supply store, grocery store and post office.  Then I would get my suitcases out.  That would give me tomorrow to finish getting all the dust that the painters left behind cleaned up and laundry done.  Then I could spend Saturday on last minute preparations, Sunday I could go to my parents house to see my uncle who is visiting from out of state and that would leave me Monday to finish packing, finish up any last minute things for clients, and go to bed early since I have to be at the airport at 4 AM Tuesday.  So with the discovery that today is actually Friday, normally the happiest day of the week, I'm suddenly stressed.

I'm going to a cruise conference.  So I am pretty sure that they are going to give us tons of freebies to bring home.  So now I'm trying to figure out the logistics of shipping that stuff home to make my packing easier.  It will certainly be cheaper than adding a piece of luggage on the way back since I am flying Spirit.  By the way, I still haven't gone to the Spirit website and paid my luggage fees to avoid their exorbitant airport luggage fees.  Gotta add that to my list. So, I'm thinking the next several days will be anything but relaxed. I'd really like to see my uncle who I only get to see every couple of years.  So, I'm keeping that on the list for the time being.  That just means that everything else gets smashed down and I have one less day to complete it all.

If I were going on a vacation, I don't think this would be stressing me out so much since I would know that as soon as I reach my destination, I can relax and all the stress would go away.  But I am going to Ft. Lauderdale for 7 straight days of non-stop lectures, seminars and ships tours.  Okay, I do have to admit that since I am a travel agent, I did plan a little bit of play time for myself.  What would be the point in going to Ft. Lauderdale after the coldest winter in the Metroplex in decades and not making time to get to a beach?  I mentioned that I have to be at the airport around 4 Tuesday morning?  Well the plane lands at 9:38 AM, I've arranged an early check in at the hotel and then I'm walking over to the beach for the day.  My first lecture isn't until Wednesday morning.  Hey!  I'm no fool!

Oh!  Then this week, they sent out an email saying that the attire for the conference is "business wear", well..... since I am a home based travel agent, my "business wear" most days unless I am leaving the house is ragged sweat pants with a tee shirt and I don't think that's what they had in mind.  I discussed this with a friend the other night and I have decided that they are just going to have to accept me in business casual since even my last several years in the corporate world were spent going to work in that type of clothing.  I no longer own suits and I'm not buying new ones for this.

So, now I'm trying to decide how much stuff I can take with me.  I'd really like to take my laptop so that I can write a few blog entries while I'm gone. I mean, you're going to want reports from the conference, right? If nothing else, you'll need to see photos of Ft. Lauderdale, the ships and stuff.  I feel like I owe it to my public to keep you informed.  But my laptop is so big and unreliable.  So, then I'm wondering if I can write my blog using my Nook, which will be in my hands at almost all times anyway.  I think if I want to do that, I'm going to need to make a run to Barnes and Noble this weekend for a keypad for the Nook.  My Nook is very much like an iPad, but I don't mind telling you that almost the only thing I have ever done on it is read e-books.  I'm just not all that tech savvy.  That means, I'll have to figure out how to do all my work on it. Ugh!  Have I ever mentioned that I have no patience for reading instructions?

Well, as you may have gathered from this blog entry, I have a lot of work to do and very little time in which to complete it, so I had better get busy.  Have a great weekend!  I'll let you know how the prep work for my trip is coming on Monday!

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