
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

If I Won That Jackpot

If I won $365 million, or there abouts, I can't even fathom what I would do with all of it.  Don't worry, you'll continue to see my blogs for at least the not too distant future.  This morning as I checked my ticket against the winning numbers, as usual, I didn't get a single number right. So, if I'm currently working on a trip for you or a Business Plan, I will continue to do so.

But if I did win that kind of money, the possibilities are really kind of endless.  I always used to say I'd sell everything here and head to Grand Cayman with my cats where I'd open a charter boat business.  I'd take the tourists out to see the sting rays everyday enjoying the sun, water and nature.  The passengers would all call me Cap'n Susan.  I like that part best!  I always wanted to be called Cap'n Susan.  But the more I think about it, with a jackpot like this one, why would I sell everything here?  Why not just keep what I have here so that it could be my Dallas house and buy a new little multi-million dollar place in the Caymans?  Besides in the Caymans, money just turns into more money, right?  Isn't that why rich people are always sending money down there?

In recent years, I've re-thought that local a little.  I always used to say Grand Cayman.  Now I waiver between Grand Cayman and Roatan. I might just be able to send some of the money to Grand Cayman, you know so that it would multiply and I'd go to Roatan.  It's something to consider. I like Roatan for several reasons, the first of which is that you can still get into a place on Roatan pretty cheaply.  Of course, the prices go up every year.  But they aren't even close to Cayman prices yet.  I know what you're thinking. Ummmmm.... It's $365 million that I'm looking at here.  But I don't want to be one of those irresponsible lottery winners who blows all the money and ends up homeless in 10 years. Plus your good ol' US government is going to get half leaving me with only a measly $182.5 million.  Why, a girl can hardly make it on that!  I say your good ol' US government, because you know.... I won't live here anymore.  Sorry, I didn't mean to giggle maniacally....  Sure, I'll still have the Dallas house and I'll still visit from time to time.  But let's face it, Fox News is going to take a serious hit when I stop watching because I suddenly don't care anymore what those idiots in Washington are doing with your tax dollars.

After I got settled into my house in Roatan or Grand Cayman, I'd probably have to hire a house boy.  I'll need someone to take care of the cats when I travel.  So, I'm definitely going to need a house boy.  He'll also do all the cleaning and probably bring me Mai Tai's on the deck while I watch sunsets.  He won't have to cook though, because I'll have a personal chef for that.  You can't leave the cooking to a barefoot and shirtless house boy.  Wait, did I mention shirtless before?  No?  Well, I sort of thought it went without saying.  In addition to the house boy and chef, I'll have a personal trainer and will probably be skinnier than I ever imagined being.  And my personal trainer won't be Jill or Bob.  (I can't stand the girlish screaming of either of them!) No sir!  I'm going with Dolvett!  On the house boy's day off, I'll just have Dolvett take his shirt off.

One of the best things about winning the jackpot will be passing some of it on to others.  Of course my church would get a nice little sum.  Then there are a few charities I'd like to support.  Mom and Dad wouldn't have to worry that I suddenly live further away because they would have enough money to either come and visit whenever they wanted or buy the place next door to me if they decided to do that.  My brothers would suddenly experience similar wealth.  But that's where the passing out of money would have to stop.  I might gift a friend with plane tickets to come see me periodically.  But again, I don't want to end up one of those crazy homeless lottery winners.  It's all about responsible lottery money spending with me.

Of course my charter boat business would flourish.  I'd probably have to add boats and eventually have a fleet of them.  I think the best part about having boats in a tourist location like that would be naming them. They'd have names like Cha-Ching and Jackpot.  When my boats sailed by, people would get a little chuckle and think wistfully to themselves... Ahhhhh... if only I were as lucky as Susan.....  I like bringing a smile to people's faces....

Well, I have sat here and dreamed about money that people in California and Georgia won long enough.  I guess it's time for me to get myself in gear and start this day.  Have a great Wednesday.  I hope yours is half as good as mine will be.  I'm getting rid of a piano today and I get to have coffee with my Dad.  Winning!!!

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