
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Help! No Time to Prepare for Boston!

Seriously?!!???!?!!!?!?!?!  So a few weeks ago, shortly after I booked the trip to New York and Boston for Rebecca's graduation, I bought a Boston Eyewitness Travel book.  I am apparently one of the few people who still LOVE a travel book according to an article I read on line yesterday.  I like that I can make notes in the book.  I like that I can carry it with me.  And mostly I like that I can refer back to it when I return home and am working on a photobook, a trip report, a travel blog or a review of a venue, restaurant, tour or event.  But normally, within a week of buying the book, I have read it cover to cover and already know exactly what I NEED to do while in the destination.  Not so much this time.

I haven't even opened the book yet.  Did I mention that we leave on Friday?!!?!?!!  I am so freaking stressed!  I have been so busy that I have not had a moment to read anything about Boston.  I'm not the least bit concerned about NY.  I've been there multiple times and totally know what we need to do and where we need to go.  But I have never been to Boston and I have not read anything about what we need to do.  Everyone I know has already told me that we absolutely HAVE to visit Faneuil Hall.  Beyond that I know that we have to get cannolis at Mike's (I am on that!).  I'm almost certain that you can't visit Boston without going to the North Church.  I know that you have to visit the North End.  Obviously, we will be going to a Red Sox game at Fenway, after all, it's why we are going there.  We're staying in Back Bay and apparently that's a good place to be staying.  My cousin, Jan said we need to visit the cemetery.  I wouldn't have thought about that.  So it's good information.

Hopefully, I can spend some time reading the Boston Eyewitness Travel book tonight and tomorrow night. The problem is that I am also currently reading Inferno by Dan Brown and I am having trouble putting it down when I have a few free moments.  The travel business is keeping me busy this week and I don't mind telling you that when the travel business is keeping me busy, I'm thrilled!  But this hasn't happened too much since I started it last September.... and really????!?!?!?  It had to happen right now?  I'm not complaining!  I honestly couldn't be happier.  But I wish it had either happened a week earlier or a two weeks later.

I'm starting to think that my clients and potential clients have some sort of extra-scensory perception about when I am traveling or getting ready to travel and that's when they decide it's time to contact me about a potential trip or a trip they already have planned and just need loose ends tied up on.  God bless them!  I'm thrilled that they are contacting me.  But I wish that the weeks when I have no trips planned and nobody is contacting me to query pricing on a trip or even look at trip options, these people would call.  Wouldn't it be nice if sales occurred exactly when it was convenient.  Honestly, anytime a sell occurs, I'm pretty darn excited.  Just ask my Mom.  I call her almost everytime someone books a trip.  It's always exciting when someone books a trip.

So here's the deal.....   I'll be traveling later this week and through the first part of next week.  So if you contact me regarding travel during that time, you are likely to not get an answer for several days.  Please don't feel like I am ignoring you.  I'm just trying to figure out Boston.  I will get back to you as soon as I return..... possibly sooner.  If you know a lot about Boston, just mention that in your query and you are likely to get a very quick response.  If you happen to have a top 10 list of things to visit in Boston, you just might get a free bottle of champagne on you vacation that you have me book following my trip to Boston..... Just sayin'.....

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