
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

June is Vacation Month!

Did you think something had happened to me?  It did.  I got BUSY!  Yep that's right, it's getting to be the time of year when you need to start planning your summer vacations and a lot of people are getting the jump on you if you haven't started already.

For instance, if you are looking to book a June Caribbean vacation, since last week many packages have increased by as much as 24%!!!  Seriously!  That's why I've been so busy.  By the time I can write a quote, send it to a family, they've had time to review it and get back to me, the price has gone up again.  So, I spend my days chasing my tail.  I'm not complaining.  In fact, I'm happy about it.  Do you know how slowly a day can drag if all you have to do is write a blog, play with your cats and watch The Five each day?

For the last week, I've barely had time to get a cup of coffee in the morning.  And forget about eating regularly!  I finally had my first meal of the day yesterday at 6:45 PM.  I literally got up yesterday at 7, made coffee and started working immediately.  When I decided to go upstairs and change out of my pajamas it was 4:30 PM!!!!  So I came downstairs, started supper, posted a few things on Facebook while I cooked and ate my first morsels of food for the day at 6:45 and good morsels they were!  As hungry as I was, I probably would have been happy with catfood.  But nevertheless, YUM!

You may not be aware of it, but if you have kids in school and therefore have to plan your vacations around a school schedule, June is the best vacation month of the year.  Here's what makes it so great.

  • School in Texas officially gets out June 6th.
  • Although the Atlantic Hurricane Season starts June 1st, it doesn't usually get into full swing until later in the summer.  So June is fairly safe.
  • The first few weeks or so of June are generally the cheapest summer weeks to take a vacation because some Northeastern schools aren't out until the middle of the month.
  • Alaskan cruises are always cheaper at the beginning of June than in the warmer months of July and August.
  • I have 8 rooms reserved on Navigator of the Seas that you can get a steal for the June 8th sailing out of Galveston!
There you have it!  Five great reasons to go ahead and request time off the first half of June this year.  Then your next step will be to call, text, email or Facebook your friendly neighborhood travel agent so you can join in the fiasco of watching her chase her tail around for days as she attempts to put the perfect trip together for you.

Have a great evening and I'll talk to you soon!

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