
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Top 5 - Bottom 5 Things About a Beach Vacation

We've proven once again that everybody loves a list.  So, let's just go for broke and make the entire week nothing but lists.  Today I'm going to list the 5 best things and the 5 worst things about a beach vacation.  I know what your thinking.  There are 5 bad things about a beach vacation??!!!?!?!?!?  But you might be surprised.  Quite frankly, I can come up with 5 bad things about any topic you give me with just a little effort.  I mean, seriously, there's always something to whine about, right?  As with all lists, this is entirely my personal opinion.  It's my blog so my opinions matter most.  In fact, they are the only ones that come into play.  So, if you don't like my rankings, get your own blog.

Top 5 Things About a Beach Vacation

1.  You're on a beach and you don't have to work.  Enough said.
2.  Umbrella drinks!
3.  Hot guys - No shirts!
4.  Cabana boys!
5.  The relaxing sound of the surf crashing against the shore.

Bottom 5 Things About a Beach Vacation

1.  Next week you're going to have to work twice as much to get caught back up.
2.  Sand.... EVERYWHERE!
3.  That moment when you get hit by a big wave and suddenly realize that your Channel sunglasses are no longer on your head.
4.  The 500th time in a single week that you hear that "Hot Hot Hot" song....
5.  Fat old men in Speedos.

I must say that when I was working on this list, the bottom 5 things were easier to think of than the top 5 things.  But even if I listed 25 bad things about a beach vacation I would still rather be there than any place on earth just because of the number 1 thing about a beach vacation.... No matter what happens, you are still on a beach and you don't have to work.

Have a great Wednesday and I hope you don't get accosted by a camel roaming through your office today asking what day it is....

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