
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Monday, March 4, 2013

No TPS Reports In Jamaica Mon!

If I had booked you into an all inclusive resort in Jamaica this week, your day would be going a little differently than it currently is.  Now, I don't know what your morning has been like.  Maybe you stopped at McDonald's on your way to work and had an Egg McMuffin and a coffee for breakfast.  You might have gotten to the office only to find out that something that you thought was totally under control when you left on Friday is now a total mess.  Or maybe there were no problems at all over the weekend, but you were greeted by this guy, Bill when you walked in and he is looking for your TPS reports.  I don't know your particular issues.  But what I do know is that if you were in Jamaica today, you'd have "no worries mon".

Your day would probably be going something like this:

First of all, you probably would have slept until 9 or so.  Then when you did manage to drag yourself out of bed, you probably would have gotten a cup of coffee and gone no further than to your oceanfront balcony to see what the weather was like today.  I don't know, maybe it would look a little something like this....  Ok, maybe I'm over selling it slightly.  The purple hat might not be there at all.  But you get the point, right?

After checking out the weather, you'd probably get dressed and run downstairs for the breakfast buffet which you know is already paid for since this is an all inclusive resort.  One of the biggest decisions you'll have to make all day is whether to wear your swimsuit with a cover up to breakfast or just to put some shorts or a sundress on for now and come back to the room later to change into your swimsuit.  No concerns about cover pages on TPS reports for you!

Let's just say that you decided to wear the swimsuit with cover up to breakfast in case you didn't feel like coming back upstairs.  You have already finished breakfast.  You had an omelet made to order at the omelet station and you're stuffed.  But now what are you going to do?  The next problem you are going to face is a pretty big one.  You have to decide, do I want to lay on the beach?  Or maybe by the pool?

Or what if I don't want to lay down at all???  What if I want to snorkel, sail, kayak or ride horses?  How will I get all of these activities in with only one day to do it all.  But then you relax knowing that you are booked in this resort for 7 nights and there is plenty of time to get it all done.

So for now, the decision is made.  You walk over to the bar, order an adult beverage of your choosing and walk out to the beach.  As you carry your drink and your beach bag out you realize there is a new problem that you face. Your hands and full!  How can you possibly drag a lounge chair to the exact location you want?!?!!??  "No worries mon!"  There are guys here who will do that for you.  It turns out that your biggest worry today is going to be getting the suntan lotion on your back.  Sorry, you are on your own there.  I can't help you with that problem.  I can tell you that if you take the right person on the trip with you, applying that suntan lotion can prove to be one of the more enjoyable aspects of the day.

Enjoy your day on the beach while ol' Bill hounds your co-workers about those TPS reports.

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