
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Monday, February 11, 2013

Longhorns, Horses and Buffalo... Oh My!

I'm just going to go ahead and say it.....  One of the things I like best about any vacation is taking pictures that I think other people will enjoy when I get home.  So, sometimes I overload you all with photos when I get home.  If you hate it, I'm sorry.  You can un-like me on Facebook if you want.  If you enjoy the pictures, then I'm glad to show them to you.  Recently I learned about the importance of copyrighting those photos.  But I spent a couple of days trying to do it and decided that it is too much work and until I feel that I am of a professional photographer caliber, not worth the effort.  So, if you want to use my photos, I guess I would just ask that you give me credit.  But in reality, I obviously don't feel that they are worthy or I would copyright them.

This week I fully intend to get up early one morning and take tourist type photos at home.  There are countless places in Collin County alone where you can photograph buffalo, longhorns, horses, etc. and I have been talking about doing it for ages and haven't done it.  I used to drive past them in the morning on my way to work back in the day when I worked for the former employer who shall not be named and I always thought then that I would take a day off and go out there and photograph them in that morning mist with perfect lighting.  But I never did.  Then for the last 312 days I also thought that I would now that I have the time and I haven't yet.  So this week, I am on a mission.  I want to do it before the week ends.

I think it could be a service.  If the photos come out well, I could post them on Trip Advisor to get more tourist action in the area.  Who wouldn't want that?  This week on TA someone from Canada was thinking about coming to Dallas with her husband and was concerned because she had heard that it was unsafe here particularly because they were a mixed race couple.  Really????  Because in Dallas, it's all like Miss Ellie don't allow any of the Ewing boys to marry an African American girl.....  I don't understand how people continue to believe stereotypes.  Okay, granted, I still believe that all Swiss girls have blond braids, yodel a lot and drink lots of hot chocolate, but don't they?  The wild west, racist stereotype that Texans deal with is just crazy and destructive.

So, maybe a few pictures of longhorns at sunrise will take the focus away from people thinking we are a lawless group of backward thinking morons.  Either that or they will think that we all have longhorns for pets and walk them through our neighborhoods on a leash each evening as we stop and chat with our neighbors... or pull out our 6-shooters and take target practice....

The most difficult part of this little venture is that I have a strong aversion to morning.  I don't like to be awake before 8 AM and it is almost mandatory that you wake before then if you want to have anything to do with a sunrise.  So, I'm going to have to set a couple of alarms to make sure that I get out of bed.  It would help if it wasn't cold once I got out there.  Getting out of a nice warm bed at 5:30 AM to head out into a cold damp pasture is not very inviting.  But you do what you have to do for the sake of your chosen art.... right?

Well, I have much to do today so I had better get started.  If you are in need of a last minute trip to a nice beach for Valentine's Day to stay out of the dog house, give me a call.  We can work something out.  Or if you want to plan a trip to Rome so that you can be there during the conclave as a new Pope is elected, I can do that too!  No job is too much of a challenge!

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