
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Winding Down the "Mind Trip"

Well, today is the last full day of the "mind trip" to Kauai.  It is a day for reflection and relaxation.  It is really amazing how much there is to do on such a small island.  We really didn't have time to do any real hiking other than that short hike at Waimea Canyon.  I suppose we could go for a hike today.  But then who will stay here and hold down this great piece of beach that I found????  I mean, this isn't a task that you can entrust to just anybody.

So, I will make this sacrifice and stay here all day with my book and a big bottle of sunscreen and make sure that nobody tries to make off with any of this great Kauai sand.  It has been a great "visit" to Kauai and now I can check two Hawaiian islands off of my list.  If I can just manage a trip to Maui and the Big Island now, I think I'll be satisfied.  Maybe we will mentally tackle Maui in another week or so.  I hear we are supposed to be getting more super cold weather and you all know that I don't do well with cold weather.  So another "mind trip" may be in order.

I checked this morning to see if the Kauai package was still available at that great price for the Feb 21st departure from DFW and it is.   There are also some Maui packages available now in addition.    But even at the package price Maui is quite a bit more expensive than Kauai.  I also ran prices for June going to this same hotel and it is only a couple of hundred dollars more per person.  That is kind of reasonable for a summer time trip.

Since this is the last day of the "mind trip" we're going to have to find a really great place for fresh fish for dinner tonight.  I can't leave Hawaii without having fresh fish one more time.  Tonight will be the best dinner of the trip.  We'll go to The Beach House in Koloa.  The prices are a little steep for my budget, but hey... it's all in my mind anyway.  May as well splurge, right?  And since money is no object, I'll be ordering the Ceviche as an appetizer.  Then I'll have a Caesar Salad and for my entree I think I'll have the Lemongrass and Kaffir Lime Crusted Sea Scallops.  For dessert, I've gotta have the Bananas Foster.  Okay, that sounds like enough food for a week.  But it is 10 a.m. on a Saturday morning in Texas and I am literally salivating just thinking of all that amazing food on the menu.  Somehow, I'm thinking the leftover turkey pot pie I'll be having for dinner tonight isn't going to be quite as good.

I hope you have enjoyed the Kauai "mind trip" as much as I did.  If you would like for me to put together a mind trip to a location you are interested in, just drop me a line.  I love doing the research!  Aloha!

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