
Margaritaville - Cozumel, Mexico

Monday, November 19, 2012

Top Ten Things to Do in an Airport

With Thanksgiving this week, I am sure that many of you will be traveling to be with friends and family.  Holiday travel can be very tough especially if there are travel delays in airports or if you just have a long layover.  In this day and age of e-readers, smart phones and IPads, at least you no longer have to worry about running out of reading material.  But many of us have reached that point in an airport when you think that you just can't read another sentence.  Then what do you do?  Today's topic is 10 things you can do in an airport when you just can't read another sentence.  So sit back and enjoy!

10.)  Go to an airport bar and sit at the bar and order a drink.  The bartender will usually talk to you if he/she isn't that busy.  If all else fails, you have about an hour to sit and watch their TV before they start giving you dirty looks to give up your seat to someone who might order more than just one drink.

9.)  Make sure the smart phone, IPad, laptop, etc. all have good charges on them.  If not, find a charging station and plug in.

8.)  Are you traveling with small kids who have pent up energy that they need to expend?  Find an out of the way area and have them race one another.  Your fellow travelers will appreciate this.  You could do this for hours.  Please for the love of God, let them get their pent up energy out.

7.)  Balance your check book.  C'mon... seriously, when was the last time you did this.  Now's your chance.

6.)  Call your mother.  You know how she is always complaining that you never call....  well now you have time.

5.)  Pick 5 people out of the crowd and make up names for them and give them imaginary lives.  This can entertain you for hours.  During past flight delays I have been surrounded with people you would not believe!!!  You'd be surprised at how many people in the airport resemble lion tamers and spies.

4.)  Do you have a friend who writes a blog????  Perhaps one concerning her employment status or another concerning her new travel business which isn't quite off the ground yet????  Maybe you could catch up on her past blogs.  They are all out there in cyberspace just waiting to be read.  I know that we are trying to think of things to do since you are tired of reading, but this option is for those of you who are just tired of reading the book that you currently have downloaded.

3.)  Email your friend who has that travel blog and the struggling travel business with specifics on that spring or summer vacation you are thinking about taking.  Heck she is probably sitting in front of her computer right now and can get back to you with options before your flight is ready to leave the airport!

2.)  Find someone in the crowd about your size and age and challenge them to a moving sidewalk race.  I cannot even begin to tell you how entertaining this can be to the entire crowd at your gate.  But please, NO WAGERING!

1.)  Start creating random Top Ten lists.

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